english magyar

PROMOTION!!!                                  Get all of your photos!                                   PROMOTION!!!

Now you can get all of your photos! Just put one of your photos you would like to order of yourself in to the shopping cart. Choose "All of my photos!" medium or big size! You will get all of your chosen photos for just 25 and 35 €!
Notes: The promotion is valid for only ONE RACE NUMBER each! You can order all of your photos from one event with the following process:
- select one from your photos and add it to the cart - Choose the "All of my photos" size with the buttons to add to cart
- click on the cart to go to the shopping cart, and click on the size you want: MEDIUM (2050px) or BIG (2900px) size
- click next and finish the checkout process
You will receive ALL of your photos this way, not only the one you selected!

The Promotion is valid for only one race number and on on event.

Csizovszky Szilvia, Pálvölgyi Dóra és Tóvári Zsuzsanna: Lovecats (VonZArt Táncegyüttes) (rsz.:66)
NA130309_6215.JPG NA130309_6240.JPG NA130309_6287.JPG NA130309_6228.JPG
Haróth Alexandra és Cseh Krisztina: A festmény rabságában (Tiringer Mozgásművészeti SE) (rsz.:68)
NA130309_6402.JPG NA130309_6334.JPG NA130309_6389.JPG NA130309_6314.JPG
Wehovszky Klaudia és Kalmár Viktória: Két utazó (vonZArt Táncegyüttes) (rsz.:69)
NA130309_6471.JPG NA130309_6440.JPG NA130309_6457.JPG NA130309_6474.JPG
Lendvai Lili, Sipos Noémi és Bartha Nikolett: Alfadance Tánccsoport ( Forróság ) (rsz.:70)
NA130309_6621.JPG NA130309_6620.JPG NA130309_6656.JPG NA130309_6607.JPG
Újvári Lili és Willner Kata (Carmen Táncművészeti és Sporttánc Egyesület) (rsz.:71)
NA130309_6742.JPG NA130309_6693.JPG NA130309_6743.JPG NA130309_6698.JPG
NA130309_6761.JPG NA130309_6751.JPG NA130309_6757.JPG NA130309_6755.JPG